Tip for your career... walk into the office of the MD

Hi Commercial hero’s!

8 years ago I walked into the office of my MD, 1 hour later I came out with a game plan, a big bet for the company and my career. 

We had a tough conversation, we were visible with our marketing but not driving tangible results. 

His question was: "What would happen if we close down the marketing shop now?" 

My answer: "Sadly, we will probably hear that we would miss out on the sandwhich events." 

My question back: "What would it mean for you if we improve, modernize and innovate our marketing? If the sales team would complain that they get too many relevant leads? 

I got 1 year to make it happen, not because he told me but because I said so. 

Sometimes you need to take a calculated risk, if everything will stay the same nothing will change. 

He was my biggest sponsor, I had so many learnings. 

From truly collaborating to achieve revenue targets with the senior sales leader - who later turned into my mentor - to actually speaking and engaging with customers. 

Here is where my journey to integrated demand generation started and I am forever grateful for that. 

Ask yourself, what big bets are you taking for your company and your career? 

Try it out, have fun, make impact. You might fail, so what. Doing nothing is what you will truly regret when you look back at these times.

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