Short -term


Getting more qualified sales leads that can help Sentia Denmark grow and bring in revenue for next FY

Grow pipeline for 2022/2023




Building the foundation to acquire high-valued customers

An Ideal Customer Profile is a model account whose characteristics indicate that they would gain significant value from your product/service and brand and in turn, provide significant value to your company as well. It will contribute to growth and happiness for your people and customers.


The ICP roadmap to
revenue growth & happiness

Step 1
ICP strategy

What would you like to achieve with ICP?

  • Up market

  • Market expansion

  • New business/exsiting customers

  • x number of deals with an average dealsize of x

  • x% increase in win rate

  • high qualified leads that converts in to deals


Step 2
ICP Criteria

Starting with defining the criteria there is more to a successful profile. Don’t limit yourself to data from the past, but invest time in the future as well. Define your criteria on: 

  • Who is your high-valued customer?

  • What does your customer believe and want?

  • What is the problem your customer is having?

  • What is the success potential with the customer?



Step 3

Information connected to your criteria can be found in different ways, like annual report, website, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, communities.

Step 4

Not every account you have researched is THE potential high-value customer. Therefore scoring is required

  • Define what criteria are mandatory

  • Define what grade you give them on the scoring


Step 5
Tiering the accounts

Using the same approach for the broad targetlist is a waste of budget and time. Tiering and connecting your activitities to it is critical to success.

Tier 1: DNA-ICP mapped with account based / ABM 1 to 1 (e.g. dozens)

Tier 2: Entry DNA-ICP mapped with account based / ABM 1 to few (e.g. hundreds)

Tier 3: ICP mapped with account based / ABM 1 to many (e.g. thousands)

Step 6
Identify the buying group

Understanding the buying group will help you engage and drive conversation with the different stakeholder in the DAN-ICP account.

Questions to anwer are: who are in the buying group, what role do they play and how doest the decision making process looks like. 

Step 7
Understand your personas

The better you understand the persona's/stakeholders in the buying group the better your messaging will be.

Define the criteria based on behavior, what influence this persona has, how succes looks like, needs, challenges, what this persona reads and how and where to reach.

Step 8
value proposition

Develop an out-come based value proposition connected to your solution that is distinctive and resonating.

Step 9

Create an overarching messaging through the buyers journey to dictate the content strategy and connect it to proof points.

Tip: start with the current state.

Step 10
Account plan

It is critical that Sales and Marketing work together to engage with the DNA-ICP account. Therefore an integrated plan is crucial.

  • Joint goalsetting

  • Accountability

  • Planning Who is going to engage with which stakeholders in the buying group at what moment and how

  • Define how you celebrate success

Step 11
Prep your sales process for DNA-ICP

Do you have the right processes in place?

Do you have a playbook to enable and onboard?

Step 12

Connect the messaging to the content creation. The ideal content is:

  • written per persona

  • connected to stage of the buyers journey

  • adressing challenges, needs, outcomes, priorities that are relevant for your DNA-ICP

  • based on the types of content your persona's consume

Step 13
shared waterfall demand funnel

Without an operational plan it is hard to measure and improve. Building a demand waterfull funnel, connected to numbers, timelines and conversion is key.