"Work smart, play better is part of my DNA."

Jeroen Hendriks

Co-founder &
Chief Revenue Officer

Market, commercial and revenue strategy

Jeroen is driven in prepping and equipping organizations making their growth strategy a reality. He has been integrating, transforming and innovating commercial, marketing, demand and GTM teams to be relevant in the market and accelerate recurring revenue. 100% customer DNA fit & market approach resulted in 83% closing rate selling multi-year, multi-million euro total contract values. As the co-founder & Chief Revenue Officer of IF Associates, Jeroen stands for “Making impact while having fun“ as the fuel for unlocking potential success. He is also a proud memberr of the Revenue Collective family for commercial/growth leaders across the globe. And ow yeah he loves a good BBQ with craft beers, so work smart play hard is part of his DNA.

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